Friday, April 26, 2013

26 Weeks

Exercise this week (April 20-26)
Saturday- 4.5 mile run with FF 10K Training Group 7, 13:00 min pace
Tuesday- 3 mile run with FF, 12:40 pace, 4x100m pickups at the end, resistance band strength
Wednesday- walk 1.5 miles at HP
Thursday- Yoga with Ashley
On Wednesday I went back to Dr. Parker for a follow up (appointment #12) and he said my cyst was healing too quickly from the outside.  He poked a swab in it to see if he could get it to drain more, put me on another week of antibiotic and scheduled me to come back in a week.  OUCH!  Just when I thought I was almost completely back to normal, I’m in pain again.  I guess it’s better than having it get infected and having to go through that process all over again. 
To top it all off when I got home from that painful appointment, I had some painful news.  I failed the 1-hr. gestational diabetes test and have to go back next week for the 3-hr. test.  This time I have to fast for 8 hours before hand.  They scheduled my appointment for 8:30am, but I am going to be starving by 11:30!  I don’t ever wait that long to eat.  Even before I was pregnant!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Blood Sugar Blues

I went to the Dr. for the blood glucose screening test today (appointment #11).   My appointment wasn’t until 3:15 so I didn’t fast, but did not eat any excess sugar.  I chose the Fruit Punch flavor and actually it tasted pretty good.  My throat had been hurting all day and I was so hungry when I got there that it felt nice to drink something cold.  After I drank the solution, I went to the other waiting area to wait on my Dr.’s appointment.  This time I was scheduled to see a nurse practitioner, Jennifer Cerny.  I was interested to see how much weight I had gained since I had just been there the week before and I had gained about a pound and a half.  She was nice, but I only got to talk to her for about 2 minutes because by then it was time to go get my blood drawn.  They took a lot of blood- some for the gestational diabetes test and another HIV test (apparently NC just passed a law that requires 2 now).  When I left, they scheduled my next appointment for 3 weeks out instead of 4.  YIKES!  I guess that means I’ll be in my 3rd trimester and have to go more regularly now!
Blood Pressure: 98/60
Weight: 135.5 (gained about 13 and a half pounds)
Baby’s Heart Beat: she said it was wavering between 145 and 150 beats per minute

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Peter Parker (the Dr. not Spiderman)

I went to see Dr. Parker today since my pilonidal cyst wasn’t getting any better.  He is the surgeon that I went to 13 years ago when I was a freshman in college.  While all of my friends went to DC for Spring Break, I got to lie around on my stomach recovering from surgery.
So anyway, I thought he would just look at it and probably schedule an appointment for me to have surgery.  I waited in the waiting area for an hour, which is a really really really long time when it hurts to sit.  Finally they called me back to a room and 78 year old Dr. Parker came in to see me.  He said it looked infected and could see why I was in pain, but it really wasn’t that bad.  After poking and prodding, he began grabbing tools (e.g. scissors and scapula and needle).  He said, “I’m going to tell you everything I’m doing while I’m doing it and you’re going to have some immediate relief.”  Next thing I know he is operating on me.  First he numbed the area with some Novocain and a 3 inch needle.  That was definitely the worst part.  After that he poked and prodded some more and tried to get it to drain.  Then he inserted gauze in the wound, bandaged me up, and sent me on my way.  When I got up off of the table to get dressed, I saw the knife thingy lying on the table and the sheet was covered in blood.  Ew!  Luckily the office was less than a mile from my house, because driving home was not an easy task.  I probably should’ve called Seth to come pick me up, but all I wanted to do was get home, take some pain meds and lie down.  Of course I am not allowed to have any pain killers besides Tylenol, so I have been in quite a bit of pain this evening.  I do feel some relief though from how it felt before.  Although I was not expecting to have surgery today, I’m so glad he went ahead and did it so that I didn’t have any time to stress about it.  Hopefully it will heal quickly and I’ll be able to sit down again soon!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Pregnancy is a Pain in the Ass...Literally

This past weekend Seth was out of town on a dirtbiking trip with Joe and my entire family was at the beach celebrating my mom's birthday.  I had a lot to do and so I stayed here.  This is probably TMI, but I kept noticing some uncomfort when I sat down, did yoga and after running.  Since I was home by myself I couldn't exactly look to see what was going on.  I don't know why it took me so long, but on Sunday morning I finally realized what it was.  My pilonidal cyst was irritated again.  It's been 13 years since I last had this problem, but it's a genetic problem with the skin at my tailbone (thanks a lot Dad!).  My sister inherited it as well, so we're all very familiar with the pain it causes.
So after sulking all day yesterday, sitting in warm baths and trying to lay on my side all day, I called Lyndhurst as soon as they opened this morning to see what I should do.  They advised me to go ahead and come in to see Dr. Lindel today (Dr's appointment #9).  I was so glad he was the Dr. available, because I loved him last time and didn’t have to worry about seeing someone new.  This time he was just as nice.  He put me on a strong antibiotic, told me to continue soaking in a tub a couple of times a day, and to have a positive attitude.  I have an appointment scheduled next Monday anyway so that was perfect timing to come back and have it checked again.
Weight: 134 (gained about 12 pounds)
Blood Pressure: 120/78
Baby’s Heartbeat: 155

Friday, April 12, 2013

24 Weeks

Exercise this week (April 6-12)
Saturday- yard work, leaf mulch
Sunday- yard work all day
Monday- 2 mile run with Seth and Bella at Hanes Park, faster pace
Tuesday- 25 minute walk with Bella
Wednesday- 45 minute walk with Bella, Prenatal Yoga
Friday- 30 minute walk with Bella
The heat arrived this week and it felt like we jumped from Winter to Summer.  Running felt so difficult and I can tell I’m going to have to slow down and adjust for the heat.  I tried to be more consistent this week and do a little exercise every day.  The weather really helped with that.  It was beautiful!

Friday, April 5, 2013

23 Weeks

Exercise this week (March 31-April 5)
Saturday- run 4 miles with Kat at Salem Lake, some intervals
Sunday- walk with Mom and Dad around Old Salem
Tuesday- short hike with Seth and Bella in TN
Wednesday- Prenatal Yoga

Seth and I went on a mini “baby moon” this week as well.  We drove up to the mountains of Tennessee on Monday to a cabin on the Nolichucky River.  

It was a nice little getaway even though Seth had a terrible stomach bug the entire time.  Bella still got to play in the river, we went on a short hike, and enjoyed a delicious breakfast at the Inn.  

I did a lot of driving while Seth lie in the backseat trying to get rid of his nausea.  The scenery was beautiful!  I definitely think we would enjoy going back to that area sometime.  

Although it was disappointing that Seth came down with such an awful bug, it did give us the opportunity to spend the entire week together.  That was nice.  By the time Friday rolled around, he was able to eat and had energy again.

Nursery Progress-  We actually made some progress this week!  Seth put down the hardwood floors, sanded and stained them.  Bella and I helped some too J  They look gorgeous and it does make the room look/feel a little bigger.