Friday, January 18, 2013

2nd Ultrasound, 12 Weeks

Today's ultrasound was to determine if there is any significant chance for Neural Tube defects.  The baby was really squirmy again this time, but the heartbeat was not as fast.  He or she kept flipping over and over on the screen which was fun to watch.  The baby also looks much more human and the little hand was up in the air for most of it kind of like he/she was waving at us.

We should only have one more ultrasound and that is the one to determine the gender!  According to my calculations, it will probably be late February or early March.  I can't wait!

Baby's Heartbeat: 180 beats per minute

Exercise for January 12-18
Saturday- run?
Tuesday- run?

Friday, January 4, 2013

10 Weeks

Exercise for December 29-January 4
Thursday- 3 mile run with FF Mentors
This week I “exercised” for the first time in a while and it was tough!  I told Stacie that I would still like to try mentoring the Winter Half-Marathon training and it starts next week.  She put me as a “floater” between groups since I might have to slow down after a bit and may not even be able to run the entire distance.    Last night we had a group run with the 2012 Mentor Class and the 2013 Mentor Class.  Since I haven’t told anyone except for Stacie (and of course Courtney) that I’m pregnant, I was kind of worried.  I ended up just taking it slow and running with Courtney for the 3 miles.  It felt good to do something active.