Jane's first doctor visit was this morning. We saw Dr. Stewart at Ford, Simpson, Lively and Rice. He was concerned about her weight because it had dropped to 5lbs, 3 ounces, which is more than 10% of her birth weight. He said he would like us to supplement with about an ounce of formula after each feeding for the next two days and then bring her back to have her weighed again. I was really disappointed, because I've read that this can really mess with breastfeeding, but he showed us how to do it with a syringe and her sucking on our finger so that she doesn't get confused. Of course we will follow his advice, because I don't want her to lose too much weight or get dehydrated, but it is really stressing me out since breastfeeding has seemed to go so well so far. He also had them take blood from her heel again to check for Jaundice. Poor little girl doesn't mind the initial prick of the needle, but she screams bloody murder when they squeeze her foot to get the blood out. I feel so badly for her little bruised heels!
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