Thursday, August 1, 2013

Epic Diaper Change Failure

We ventured over to GB and Dama's so we could get out of the house for a bit and let them visit with Jane. They cooked us a nice dinner and afterwards, I could tell (smell) the baby needed a diaper change. I got this. I took our fancy diaper bag - complete with a fold-out, waterproof (remember this) nylon changing pad - upstairs and laid everything out on Serah's old bed. Just before we walked out the door to leave earlier, I ran back upstairs and grabbed an extra outfit just in case. I'm not sure why I did this, but I sure was glad I did. Jane had blown her diaper completely off with a poop so explosive it had sprayed all over the inside of her outfit. She hadn't pooped in 2 days and this was the wrath building inside of her. My commotion must have been a give away that I was in trouble and/or had no idea what I was doing up there because Whit soon entered the room and saw what was unfolding. She helped me get the one-piece outfit off Jane and we laid her on the changing pad. In our haste, we forgot the fabric top for the nylon pad and Jane began to pee. All over the place, but mostly onto her diaper which was laying splayed open and covered in poop in front of her. Maybe the room is slanted, maybe the bed is crooked, or maybe there was an indentation in the mattress, but the pee began to flow backwards toward her head, carrying the poop explosion with it. Within a few seconds, our child was completely covered in a indistinguishable mixture of poop and pee and I had no choice but to scoop her up in my arms and off the mattress before it was ruined. It was then that Jane had her first bath. It wasn't special. It wasn't pretty. It was mostly just me holding her under the bathroom sink watching poop wash out of her hair and off my arms and down the drain. There wasn't much we could do at that point but laugh and be thankful I had brought an extra change of clothes. Now we always carry a spare :)

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