Friday, July 26, 2013

39 Weeks

Well, we are at the hospital...and this morning I never, ever expected to say that.  So, let's begin with this morning...

I woke up and went to pick blueberries at my aunt's house before it got too hot outside.  Then, I stopped by Dillards, because they were having a huge sale and I wanted to look for a gown to wear at the hospital.

Seth called and asked if I would like to meet him at Teeter Thai for lunch (in hindsight, I'm so glad he did, because this was our last meal and last date as a couple without kids!)  I had the green curry and of course Seth ate the combo pho.  Afterwards, I went home to take a shower and at 3:30 I went to my regular weekly appointment at Lyndhurst.  This was my first time seeing Dr. Johnson, who was actually the Valedictorian of Seth's and my high school class.  I haven't seen her since probably my freshman year at Chapel Hill, so it's been at least 13 years.

When I went in, they took my weight and blood pressure as usual.  I immediately thought something might be wrong, because they nurse didn't tell me what my blood pressure was.  When I got to the room the other nurse asked for my urine sample and then she took my blood pressure again, telling me that it was high before.  It was ----- so she had me lie down on my left side for 5 minutes and then she came back in and took it again.  This time it was ---- and she seemed satisfied.

Nell came in a few minutes later and measured my stomach.  We chatted for a short bit and then she told me that I was measuring small and she asked if I had time to stay and wait for an ultrasound.  She assured me that it wasn't a big deal, but she would rather go ahead and do it since it was Friday afternoon rather than wait all weekend.

I moved to another waiting area where 3 other women were waiting.  I called Seth to let him know what was going on and when I got off of the phone the girl next to me said, "it sounds like we are here for the same reason."  She had overheard me telling Seth that Jane was measuring small.  The girl, Jade, was really sweet and she said she wasn't worried about either of us, because we are both small people.  She was 37 weeks and was having a boy, Jackson.  She went back first and I'm assuming everything was okay, because they sent her on her way with ultrasound pictures.  She wished me well and the nurses got the room set up for me.

As they did the ultrasound I was a little nervous, but they went over each area and told me that each part looked good.  I noticed that each time they did the measurements 35 or 36 weeks popped up on the screen.  So, I guess that is what Nell meant when she said she was measuring small.  After the ultrasound techs were finished, they went to get Nell and she looked over the ultrasound.  She explained that since I was already 39 weeks, she would like to go ahead and induce labor.  She said that if it had been even 2 days before, her decision would be more difficult, but at 39 weeks we had nothing to gain by having Jane growing inside me anymore.  Then, she asked if she could check my cervix.  She said I was 3cm dilated and 80% effaced and when she pulled out her hand (TMI) she said there was the bloody show.  She told me that knowing I was that far along already made her decision even easier.  Then, she asked me what I thought about all of it.

WHOA!  I was in complete, total shock and  I was completely honest with her about it.  I had been in denial about going into labor, because all along I thought Jane would arrive after her due date.  I had prepared myself for that and my mind was not ready to hear this news yet.

I think had it been anyone other than Nell, I think I might have questioned her decision more, but I know that she is brilliant and that she would have Seth's and my best interest in mind.  She advised me to go home and get my bags and Seth and for us to head to the hospital.  She was going to go ahead and call over to triage so that we didn't have to go through the check-in process.

I got dressed, left Lyndhurst and immediately called Seth.  It was 5:00 and he was walking into a study at Wake Forest so I caught him just in time.  I told him that I was in labor and she wanted us to go to the hospital.  I knew he wasn't going to believe me, so I told him right away that I wasn't joking.

At that point, I headed home and began cleaning up the house.  Seth came home and we added the things we would need in our hospital bags.  I tried to eat something because I knew I wouldn't be allowed to at the hospital.  I called Tamar and asked her if Jennifer would be working tonight/tomorrow and she said she would find out.  We both seemed to take our time.  I don't think either of us wanted to believe it was really happening!  Serah came over with Nathan and grabbed Bella.  That part was really emotional for me, especially since I hadn't played with her that day or been home at all to spend time with her.  It was sad for me to say goodbye, knowing her world was about to change as well.

I'll pick up from here in the next post...

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