Saturday, August 24, 2013

Four Weeks

Last Saturday morning Amanda came to visit and Saturday evening Aunt Camilla and Uncle Ted finally got to see her.  They also brought some frozen Brunswick Stew which we cannot wait to eat!  I also had the treat of getting a "back to school" pedicure with Beth and Serah while Seth stayed at home with Jane.  We introduced the bottle to her and she seemed to have no problems taking milk from the milk man :)

Sunday morning we walked to the Bagel Station and Starbucks with the dogs and Serah and Mat.  Betsy stopped by after that and then we spent the afternoon running errands.  Sunday night we had bluegrass practice and chicken pie at the Frack's.

For lunch on Monday Cheryl brought salads for mom and I.  Jane loved sleeping in her arms.

Tuesday Cindy came by for a quick visit.

Early Wednesday morning Seth had surgery.  Kevin came to pick him up at 6:45am and Mom came over to sit with me at 7.  I was a nervous wreck, but I tried to get a little bit of sleep while Mom took care of Jane.  Kevin sent frequent updates, which was so helpful.  Seth went into surgery around 10:15 and the nurse updated us once during the surgery and then we finally heard he was out around 12:45.  He was taken up to a room for extended recovery, while the anesthesia wore off and they gave him additional pain medicine.  They were released to go home around 4:30, so it was a very long day of waiting!

Here is Seth with his lovely ear bandage.  Dr. Maxwell was pleased with how the surgery went.  That night we were able to go to Kevin and Beth's for dinner as Seth had requested pork tenderloin, salad and potatoes.

Thursday we took it easy all day as Seth's equilibrium was really off and his pain was worse.  I was able to get out and go to Mommy Baby Yoga in the morning and we all were able to make it to the park that evening to get Bella some exercise, but Seth was feeling pretty rough.  He actually had me stop the car on the way home from the park, because he got so dizzy.  He had to get out and throw up in some random person's yard.  Poor thing!

Friday Mom came over to help watch Jane so that I could get our house cleaned up a little.  Serah came to take Seth and Bella to the park.  That was so helpful!  That evening Phillip, Wendy, Gabriel and Noah dropped off Pancho Villas for dinner.  We were exhausted from such a stressful week.

Visitors this week:
Aunt Camilla and Uncle Ted
Phillip, Wendy, Gabriel and Noah

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