Last Saturday morning I went to a Fit Mamas Workout group I found online. It was at Joanie Moser Park in Lewisville. Emily and George met us there. The instructor, also named Emily, is an ME instructor and has a 6 month old boy. There were about 8 moms there with kids ranging from 4 weeks (Jane) to 14 months old. We did a circuit type workout, moving our strollers from mat to mat and doing exercises with weights at each station. Jane was wonderful and pretty much slept the entire time. It was so great to workout again, but man did it kick my butt! I might have overdone it a little bit, having not done that type of lunging and weightlifting in quite a while :) I hurt so badly the next day!
After that I came home and Kyleigh and Alfred came by to meet Jane. Terry, Anna and Bridge ended up stopping by at the same time so we had a full house. That afternoon Seth and I were able to get away for our first "date" since Jane arrived. Back in March, I bought a Groupon for a Couples' Massage class and scheduled it for a couple of weeks after her due date thinking it would be a fun thing to do. Little did I know Seth would be having surgery that week also! Anyway, it was nice to get away for awhile and Mom and Dad surely enjoyed keeping Jane for 2 hours.
Sunday morning we invited Terry, Anna, Drew and Danielle over to join us for our weekly walk to Starbucks. T and A brought Audrey along so Bella had a buddy as well. I'm sure it was quite a site to see 3 strollers, 6 adults and 2 dogs walking through Ardmore. It was really fun enjoying our new normal with such good friends.
Susan Busch brought dinner on Sunday evening and then we headed over to the Frack's for bluegrass practice.
Monday I went back to the park to do another Stroller Workout with the Fit Mamas group. The news came to film a segment for TV, so Jane might be a star.

Wednesday Jane and I ventured out to our friend Natalie's farm with grandpa/Dama Kevin. Jane just loves being outside. For dinner we all went to Panera with the Tuckers.
Thursday we went back to Mommy/Baby Yoga and I weighed Jane at the Nursing Mother's Center afterwards. She weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces, which meant she has been gaining more than a pound a day since two weeks ago when I weighed her there.
We ended the night at the rehearsal dinner at a house on the beach and Jane fell asleep off in the corner.