Monday, April 22, 2013

Blood Sugar Blues

I went to the Dr. for the blood glucose screening test today (appointment #11).   My appointment wasn’t until 3:15 so I didn’t fast, but did not eat any excess sugar.  I chose the Fruit Punch flavor and actually it tasted pretty good.  My throat had been hurting all day and I was so hungry when I got there that it felt nice to drink something cold.  After I drank the solution, I went to the other waiting area to wait on my Dr.’s appointment.  This time I was scheduled to see a nurse practitioner, Jennifer Cerny.  I was interested to see how much weight I had gained since I had just been there the week before and I had gained about a pound and a half.  She was nice, but I only got to talk to her for about 2 minutes because by then it was time to go get my blood drawn.  They took a lot of blood- some for the gestational diabetes test and another HIV test (apparently NC just passed a law that requires 2 now).  When I left, they scheduled my next appointment for 3 weeks out instead of 4.  YIKES!  I guess that means I’ll be in my 3rd trimester and have to go more regularly now!
Blood Pressure: 98/60
Weight: 135.5 (gained about 13 and a half pounds)
Baby’s Heart Beat: she said it was wavering between 145 and 150 beats per minute

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