Saturday- run 5 miles at Salem Lake
Tuesday- run fast 4 miles with FF Group 4 (about a 10 minute pace)
Wednesday- Prenatal Yoga
Add ultrasound pics from Baptist Scan
I signed up for a free ultrasound through Baptist Hospital that Courtney and Amanda had both done. It is a training program for their students so they offer it to pregnant women certain weeks during the year. Mom came with me today. It lasted about an hour and 4 different people practiced doing the ultrasound on me. They took a lot of pictures of her heart and skull. They also confirmed that she is a girl. At first I was worried, because the girl asked me not to tell her what my doctor had said and she really hesitated as if she couldn’t tell. I know they could always be wrong. How crazy would that be to plan for a girl and then have a boy! Many of them commented on how active she was, but they also agreed that she was the most beautiful and cooperative baby they had scanned all day J
I think we’ve decided for sure on the name Jane Meadows for our baby girl. Jane is my mom’s middle name and Meadows is a family name on Seth’s side. It was Seth’s maternal grandmother’s maiden name.
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