Monday, February 18, 2013

Sweet Dreams

I had my first dream about a baby last night.  I dreamed that I was lying in a hospital bed and the Dr. handed me a baby wrapped in a blue blanket.  I was really confused and I asked what was going on.  The Dr. said, you just had a baby, he is yours.  I remember feeling so relieved and thinking that I must have blacked out, because I had no recollection of labor or any pain at all.  

I've heard people say that if you dream about your baby, that is what you'll have.  I don't know if that's true or just another wives' tale.  My guess is I dreamed about having a boy, because last night we visited Terry and Anna and sweet baby Bridge.  I also read an article yesterday about someone who had 3 babies and each time her labor lasted less than 45 minutes.  I think it was wishful dreaming :)

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